Customer Satisfaction has always been our most priority. Please read the fine prints of each deal before buying it, it provides all the details about the services or the product you purchase.

Our Policy for the cancellation and refund will be as follows:

 Cancellation Policy

For Equipment and consumables both

For Cancellations please choose any one of the links

  1. Cancel Order link. (Orders may be canceled within 48 hrs of placement of an order). In this case, dispatch will be made after 48 hrs.
  1. Non-cancellable order (In this case goods will be dispatched immediate receipt of the order)

Refund Policy:

For Equipment

  • NO refund. Equipment malfunction will be handled under a warranty claim.
  • No Exchange

For Consumables

  • No Refund
  • No Exchange
  • Manufacturing defects fall under the Replacement policy and Replacement shall be processed only after examination of the returned product at our Head Office (Phixure, Floor 1, Plot no. 212B, Nangli Sakrawati Industrial Area, Najafgarh, New Delhi-110043).
  • For replacement of the manufacturing defects goods, the customer will inform via the Contact Us link within 48 hrs of receipt of the goods. In this case photographs and other relevant proofs needs to be attached to the Email. Our logistic partner will pick up the goods from the customer site. The customer will return goods in original packing with the original invoice. After receipt of goods in HO customer shall be informed through SMS / EMail.
  • After receipt of goods in our HO, our inspection team will examine the goods and if the complaint found genuine and non-repairable, a new replacement shall be processed
  • Approval response shall be informed within 7 days of the receipt of the goods.
  • Replacement shall be made within 30 days of receipt of goods. The same will be informed through SMS/EMAIL.
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